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Everyone: How to make meeting people easier?

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March 30, 2013
Posts: 11

PostPosted:     Post subject: Everyone: How to make meeting people easier?
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I'd like to suggest that everyone contribute to this topic by adding a few of the things that they have imagined to help them meet people.

This is not about changing yourself, but rather, how the system or culture could change, or how people might try to meet you in an ideal situation.
This could be at any time in your life, when you thought up ideas about how to make the loneliness stop.

Okay, let's get the easy ones out of the way:
Adult fantasies - I'm sure we know them, let's skip those.
Texting for years - but sometimes we want to meet people in real life...
-Someone with the same interests as you takes a liking to you and insists on doing things with you that you enjoy.
-Someone finds you very attractive and can't resist professing their love to you in wonderful little ways.
-A group of people invites you to join them in wandering around the community, seeing sights and generally enjoying each other's company. No strings.

Okay, so I thought of a few, and I remember some things I imagined:
When I was in middle school, I wished that someone would try to talk to me through my open window. I suppose that's a common fantasy among shy people, as it has even inspired several books and movies.

There could be a social group that you sign up for, although you could never motivate yourself to actually go to the meetings, the group leaders drive around the community and drag shy people from their homes kicking and screaming, then they put them all into a room, and it's not too crowded, and socializing is optional, but you aren't allowed to ignore everyone by doing your own thing.

I think it would be cool if someone who knows lots of people would volunteer as a socializing supervisor. They could take people with anxiety out to places, and tell them about the people at the place, and if they seem cool, they could bring them over to your table for a little chat.

It might be interesting to have a service that makes appointments with people with anxiety who are looking for a friend to chat and maybe more, and offers a safe environment, similar to a dating scenario, but not, puts two people together, and see if they get along.

Friends of shy people could go out with their phones (secretly) on video chat mode for the shy person to watch and familiarize themselves with how people tend to socialize when they're out. A lot of the problem is that people are afraid that they won't know what to do in any given setting.

There could be a social mentorship thing, where older folks (but not too old) get together with younger shy folks and talk to them a lot, and help get them into social situations, and do damage control if things go south.

Around here, people are very serious about their names. In an ideal social setting for me, they would tell me their name over and over as often as I needed them to, because I'm bad at that sort of thing.

I have been seriously considering making a whole bunch of heart shaped messages with appropriate compliments on them that I could hand out to people, well, mostly to attractive women, but it could work, right? One good reason to be socially anxious is having poor conversational skills, especially in groups where everyone seems to know exactly when to speak next, except for you. This way I don't have to interrupt anyone talking, I can just hand them the heart shaped note.

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