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Ever connect once, then never again?

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former member default image - bird flying away

Posted:     Post subject: Ever connect once, then never again?

So far, my dating has been far and few between, but I know it's up to me to make future dates happen. But anyways, my lament is that there's been a few times where I've had that really great connection with someone, but never asked for the number and ended up not seeing them again. So, I secretly hope I'll run into them sometime again, and they also happened to have been thinking of me the whole time and we'll re-connect, but that's pretty unlikely.
Well, i'll share my juiciest story. When I was just about to graduate highschool, I met a guy at a work party, and all we did was we talk the whole time and he seemed really nice and he was handsome too, and I felt like there was a spark between us, and well, he was 30 (which I would have never ever even considered dating someone that age, and wouldn't even now... except for him, maybe) and i haven't spoken with him since, and so I'm glad I didn't try for a relationship with him (because a teenage girl with an older guy is just stupid), even though its been over 2 years, i cannot stop thinking about him! It's silly, but I miss him

And there's been a couple others that i've met once, and never talked to again, and maybe if i asked for a number, it wouldn't have been like that, but such is life~

Does this happen oft to you guys?

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former member default image - bird flying away

Posted:     Post subject:

If a girl that young gave me her number I would drop dead from a heart attack.

I actually did chat a bit with a very pretty young woman at a concert in Saratoga last year. She did not ask.

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former member default image - bird flying away

Posted:     Post subject:

I'm actually really embarassed I posted this topic, but oh well~ aww, she must have made quite an impression to be thinking about her a year later! (and who knows, maybe she wishes she had maybe asked, too ) At least it's good to have the memory though~!

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former member default image - bird flying away

Posted:     Post subject:

Don't be embarassed. It is a great topic. This saratoga girl was just being friendly. I saw no indication that she was interested in me. I actually saw her at a couple of other concerts in the area, but she was with someone the other times. I will probably always think about her. You don't see too many younger people at classical music concerts. I did manage to get her name though.

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former member default image - bird flying away

Posted:     Post subject:

.Never say never. Hopefully you'll see her again if you're so interested. Good luck to ya!

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August 16, 2008
Posts: 8

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I've been through about the same thing but for me it was only one date! We met through online and say each other for one lunch date a week ago. He lives 200 miles from me and came all that way to meet me. It made me feel special. We had a good time and since then I haven't heard from him. He did tell me that he is extremely shy and maybe I just need to be patient. I'm the world's worst at being patient! SO anyway, yeah I can understand what you're going through, nothingmore. But I will say that it's been this long and you're still thinking of him?? Maybe you two were destined for each other??

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April 7, 2012
Posts: 8

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`I know exactly what you mean! I've met someone recently, and I didn't realize what I had until it was too late. Never asked for his number. Thought about it at a time where I had the chance, but never took that chance because of stupid reasons. And now, I regret it and hope to run into him someday and take opportunity of this occurence! But yeah...I had a similar situation...the guy I met might have quite old... I hope you do run into them again because you never know..something could spark!

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