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Benzos. For Panic attacks/Agoraphobia.... What a mess!

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former member default image - bird flying away

Posted:     Post subject: Benzos. For Panic attacks/Agoraphobia.... What a mess!

Have had trouble with Panic attacks/agoraphobia since I was a kid. Managed to get through high school and college and got a degree in business. Worked as general Mngr. for a fairly large Co. in Berkeley, CA From'84-01... Was taking 6 Mgs. Klonopin, 30 Mgs. Valium, and 0.5 Mgs. Triazolam. Last year they stopped working and I've been trying ever since to get off of them. What a nightmare! My doctor tells me that I'm going to have moderate to severe withdrawal symptoms for up to a year even though I'm doing a very gradual taper. The Panic attacks/Agoraphobia returned with a vengence and I've been completely housebound for several months now. All my "good buddies" deserted me and I'm very lonely and depressed. Any of you have this problem? You might try going to: and read "the Ashton manual... It was very helpful for me and in the UK they are far more knowledgeable about Benzos. than the doctors in the US. I'm still going through hell. I'd love to hear from some of you out there. Thanks, Jon

6Mgs. Klonopin, 30Mgs. Valium and 0.5Mgs. Triazolam= 160Mgs. Valium. Tapered to 60Mgs. Valium in past 8 months and trying to stabalize 'till January. Then I start a slow taper. 3-6% a Month as my system allows.

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I suffer from Social Anxiety and have done for as long as I can remember, even as far back as preschool. I've done the medication thing for it and although I'm medicated for bipolar I don't take anything specifically for anxiety. I didn't find it helped anyway.

It's hard for people to understand how badly SA can affect another person and even harder for them to understand why we can't just 'suck it up and get over it'. I suffer panic attacks also but, thankfully, they've gotten less as I've got older. Sometimes though one will hit me out of the blue and generally when other's are around to witness it. I blush terribly. I only have to be asked a question or make eye contact with someone I don't know and I can feel my face flaming. I have 'nervous' cough that seems to have taken over from the full-blown panic attacks and do this regularly when the anxiety starts up.

I certainly can empathise with how you feel - I hope things get better for you.

The greatest thrill is not to kill but to let live - J O Curwood
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former member default image - bird flying away

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`Ive suffered from social anxiety since i could remember and it got so much worse as i got into Jr. high and high school. it was horrible. And still is. i still havent found a med the only thing ive tryed was valium, and i only took it when i knew i was gonna be in a bad situation for my anxiety. its hard to think how college is gonna be when i could beraly handle high school.....

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July 25, 2010
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`ive just seen this, dose this work, can you have a conversation on here

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former member default image - bird flying away

Posted:     Post subject:

Yep.. social anxiety is hell, benzo withdrawal is even worse.. I was taking around 3mg of xanax a day for a few months years ago, quit cold turkey, had no idea what I was getting into, the withdrawals lasted for months. I can't imagine taking 160mg of valium a day and withdrawing from that.. I hope you're alright now.

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