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Does this site really works?

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former member default image - bird flying away

Posted:     Post subject: Does this site really works?

I mean, it really makes sense to put a punch of shy people togheter and expect that they will socialize?

Well, I'm talking from my experience. First, they ask for a picture, but guess what!, I'm shy! so I won't put a picture of me, what if someone of the few people I know finds it? Of course they know that I'm shy, but seeking people online it's like admit in public thet I'm desperate.

Then one is supossed to look for people in the search engine and send them a message, but I'm so damn shy that i can't even do that, so in the end I guess that they expect that people like just write in their profiles that they are freakin' desperate.

So far in more than a year I haven't recieved a single message. What is supossed that an extremely shy person like me me to do? Because if is that what you want, well there you have it: I admit it, I'm freakin' desperate! In my whole life I haven't have a single female friend, and of course nor a single girlfriend, and I don't like that situation at all. So I guess that is pretty obvious that I'm here to meet only women, but just as friends by now.

To finish I woul like to add two things, I'm looking for very, very, veery understanding women, and second I'm not looking for religious people, I don't have nothing against them, but I don't want to hear that I have a friend that always cares about me, or that all I have to do is asking with faith and my situation will improve, I like to think that the miracles that count are the ones that happen to the faithless people.

Damn I hope this works.

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former member default image - bird flying away

Posted:     Post subject:

Well, I feel for you buddy. I'm pretty shy too so the advice I give is from an enlightened perspective. The key thing to remember is that you are on the internet. You are anonymous which despite constantly being contradicted by jack-asses means you have the complete freedom to be yourself. Remember that if you ---- up it doesn't matter because you will never see any of these people unless you want to. On that note you should observe the field for people with similar interests and send them a message. If they reject you, its cool, because they have no clue who you are so there is no need to be embarrassed. Talking to them first is important because that opens up the channel of information that may lead you to a match.

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former member default image - bird flying away

Posted:     Post subject:

`I'm new here but I've been using some other Passions sites for a while as well as lots of other sites. If you really want to find someone; it's best to take an active approach & search & message people. I know on most all the sites I've been to; very few women message guys 1st; the women wait around for the guys to message them instead

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former member default image - bird flying away

Posted:     Post subject:

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former member default image - bird flying away

Posted:     Post subject:

`I'm new here too, I'm only after friends though.

I think the best way to meet new people is to chat on the forums like this. You can get to know people and there is no obligation to do anything.
If you want to find people with similar interest why not start up a chat about something you like? That way you can talk to people who like things you do and form friendships. Best way to start in my opinion.

Good luck!

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February 5, 2012
Posts: 48

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`you have all point there, just become self avare, that means become friends with yourself then from there it's small step to make new friends. All the time people fail, question is how you handle the fail. My advice is to continue and make fails. If you start to make them it is actually fun.
How ironically I made typo in first place and wrote 'fear fails' which is opposite of my point in first.
See ya in the forums.

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former member default image - bird flying away

Posted:     Post subject: Does this site work

No doesn't seem to. I tried to do a search and get bi and gay guys. Of course I probably didn't do it right. I thought w for m was clear! I'm tired of doing things by myself, never having sex, feeling like an oddball

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January 5, 2005
Posts: 970

PostPosted:     Post subject: Re: Does this site work
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jennifer6 wrote: No doesn't seem to. I tried to do a search and get bi and gay guys. Of course I probably didn't do it right. I thought w for m was clear!

As far as we can tell, the Search system is working correctly.

We don't have any search criteria where you enter W for M though...(it's actually 'I am a F seeking a M', but our guess is you just mistyped when you were posting here in the forum.

In any case, based on your profile information, you should not see gay men in your search results.

If this happens again, please send the exact details of your search in an email to feedback (at) passionsnetwork (dot) com and we will try to determine why this is happening for you.



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