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If anyone wants to write...

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former member default image - bird flying away


Posted:     Post subject: If anyone wants to write...

I just joined this site and I was starting to feel very self conscious. I'd written to people and no one even read the email. I know I may not be the #1 hot guy online or whatever but to have no one even read it I wasn't sure what was going on. It was a sort of backhanded relief to see that a lot of people have the same thing happen.
So, if anyone sees this and just wants to write and talk about whatever you can write to me. I mean like if anyone just wants a penpal or friend and not dating that's cool.

Ok, well it's worth a shot!

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July 17, 2007
Posts: 7

PostPosted:     Post subject: Nobody replies to me either
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I have posted on here aswell and no body replies and alli wont is afriend to chat too

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former member default image - bird flying away

Posted:     Post subject:

Yes, Is very difficult find someone here.

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January 5, 2005
Posts: 970

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For those of you having difficulty breaking the ice with other members (or trying, but not having much luck), we thought we'd remind everyone of the various ways to use the site to initiate (or encourage) contact:

Sending an Email
Sending an IM (Instant Message...when the other member is online too)
Sending a Smooch
Posting a Mini-message (on a member's profile page)
Chatting in the 'Shy' Chatroom (or in the Lobby Chatroom)

Posting in the forums (which draws attention to your profile)
Posting a Blog (which draws attention to your profile)
Uploading Videos (which draws attention to your profile)
Uploading your own videos (which really draws attention to your profile)
Logging in regularly (recent logins appear on the homepage)

Basically, there are lots of ways to use the site, and we hope more members will begin participating in all the various options available to them.

Have fun!

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former member default image - bird flying away

Posted:     Post subject: is there anyone alive on here

ive been on here for a number of months aswell and sent countless emails but know one these days have the decency to reply even if to say no thanks.

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January 5, 2005
Posts: 970

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We continue to be perplexed by comments like this.

Overall, we large numbers of email messages flowing through the system:

[Separately, we have reviewed the accounts of some of the people who have said they are not getting any responses...and without naming names, it's just not true.]

When we look at the email status of members using the email system, we see that most people are replying to messages they have been sent, once they are read.

Clearly everyone who receives an email message does not reply though...and our guess is that when this happens, it is probably due to them just not being interested in the sender.

While it would be nice if everyone took the time to reply, even if only to say 'thanks, but I'm not interested', many people don't bother.

Since a member can see when the recipient reads a message they have been sent, a non-reply kindof lets the sender know that there is just not a connection there.

Separately, not everyone reads the messages sent to them right away, which is probably due to them not logging in and checking their account as frequently as other people.

Basically, the Shy Passions members seem to be behaving like any other group of members on any other online dating site. Some people log in frequently and send and receive (and read and reply) to messages, and some people don't.

Once again, we would encourage everyone to reach out to other members via all the tools in the site: email, chat, forum posts, smooches, blog posts and mini-messages.



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May 5, 2007
Posts: 4

PostPosted:     Post subject:
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.About the shortage of emails....
-- I just noticed that emails are automatically blocked from lots of other places unless you go in and select which places to unblock.
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former member default image - bird flying away


Posted:     Post subject:

wrayn wrote: .About the shortage of emails....
-- I just noticed that emails are automatically blocked from lots of other places unless you go in and select which places to unblock.

Yeah, I noticed this when I was on a stint in California.. suddenly people couldn't e-mail me. That's when I realised the country blocking is based on which country you're in. And in the USA, you only get mails from North America.

But then again, that may suit some people who don't want to worry about the existence of the ROW.

Live, Drink & Enjoy, until the Life is found !
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February 12, 2011
Posts: 2

PostPosted:     Post subject:
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`Hi, EVERYBODY. I'm new to this site. I am shy and looking for shy friends who have things in common with me. I invite you to check out my profile. If you are looking for friendship and are disadvantaged due to shyness (just like all of us shy ones), write back.
PS: It's amazing how seemless the shy seem outwardly yet how profound they can be inwardly.

Bye. I hope to hear from you.


Last edited by gorl0ck on Thu Mar 31, 2011 11:17 pm; edited 1 time in total
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February 12, 2011
Posts: 2

PostPosted:     Post subject:
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`I'm starting a shy-rriends group. If you are shy and need friendship, check it out. You can check my profile out and e-mail me for more details. I'm offering help and friendship to the shy.

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January 19, 2010
Posts: 2

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`how's the group going?

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April 7, 2012
Posts: 8

PostPosted:     Post subject:
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gorl0ck wrote: `Hi, EVERYBODY. I'm new to this site. I am shy and looking for shy friends who have things in common with me. I invite you to check out my profile. If you are looking for friendship and are disadvantaged due to shyness (just like all of us shy ones), write back.
PS: It's amazing how seemless the shy seem outwardly yet how profound they can be inwardly.

Bye. I hope to hear from you.

Count me in I want to join the group.

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June 1, 2012
Posts: 1

PostPosted:     Post subject:
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Hi there.
I've noticed all us shy people have confidence in other ways. I just want to let you all know as you wouldn't have noticed, but it's there.


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February 5, 2012
Posts: 48

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`gorl0ck nice idea! Dude I didn't find that group from your profile page, maybe I was overlooking. I want to join with it. I got positive impulse from your idea and came up with similar (btw users can make their own groups now, w00t. Ofc there is little approval prossess too).
Meanwhile I submitted new group named FriendZoneLounge, it's description is "We don't mind answering and getting messages ^^!".
I hope it passes and I can start sending and answering some messages. I'm less than 24/ 7 on this site so it can take some time while I manage to answer.

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