I just met this girl that i really really really like and she really likes me. i think she's just the cutest girl ever and we have everything in common, we talked for hours on the phone before we met in person on new years 2008 and i just was really quiet and it was driving me crazy. I have tons of friends etc and i talk so much around them but around her family and her i was kind of quiet which i know she didn't like it because i came off as i was disappointed with the situation or her... but i wasn't, this girl is Gorgeous and i like her so much!!! I'm having a hard time opening up and showing myself as who i really am... I was thinking about getting on something like zoloft or Effexor to help my shyness and "not so happiness". It's weird because i talk to strangers all time at work and strike up a deep conversation that lasts a while but with her in person i couldn't think of what to say i feel so bad, I HOPE I DON'T LOSE HER!!!! i'll be so sad, since she likes me but my shyness is killing it... i really need help!!!
Situational Shyness Group (NEW Posting Feature - BETA - In Development)
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we all have phobia's in our lives . something we are afraid of , no matter what it is . its an everyday thing. and the only way to beat the phobia . is to confront it head on . we know it will be hard, but it is something we have to do. the only time it is gonna go away , is if we make it go away . that is all it takes really . have courage once it has been done then we can move on , and live our lives phobia free .
A group for those who experience shyness in certain situations, but not in others.
Rules - Post And Be Seen
(BETA - In Development)
(BETA - In Development)
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