Upon first meeting me, most find a rather grumpy looking guy. It is resting B---- face, I swear! I am quite the introvert, so I have difficulty putting myself out there to be social.
Random facts about myself: I am borderline genius. I have traveled the world thrice over. I do recognize as a rather masculine and bold person who will stick up for what I believe in, though I do soften very much with someone once i get to know them. That is the only time in which people see my playful side.
I am looking for someone quiet and reserved like myself. Someone who enjoys quality times and values deep intimacy. I crave a partner to be lazy and watch movies with one day, and perhaps go on an adventure another day. Someone who likes to have deep conversations, and loves to snuggle. Whoever my mate will become will be a very lucky woman, with a loving male for the rest of their life.
I am also going to say this... I have trust issues. It is hard for me to develop trust, for i have been lied to many times.