I have recently been getting better control of my emotions and after 3 years (and turning 1

i have 2 really big stipulations
you have to be able to no to offened if i get mad. (i usally get over it in like 5 10 min of being alone.)
I'm starting to get serious about my life and i think having a partner would help me stay on that goal.
So please ladies hear me out ;D
I'm about 6 foot im not sure
i like almost all kinds of rock
some rap
some dubstep
very little country
I'm a huge gamer and very big 4:20 enthusiest
I am very loyal
Though i will be honest (honesty is the best policy) I have cheated once he first and last time i tried extacy
It was the most horriable thing i have ever done(besides one other thing that has nothing to do with anybody i meet on here) but i do not want to do that again i have grown up alot since then and realize what is truly right
I'm sorry if this is a bit rambly or long but when im nervous i over explain myself so im limiting it here so i dont scare people away "