I'm originally from back East and moved to Seattle to try something different and for a job offer that sounded great in the beginning but turned out to be something else. I am moving to Hawaii for a job offer as well so hopefully, I learned to ask the right questions this time, haha. I have a wide taste in music and like listening to any kind of music, except country, but I would say I listen to alternative the most. I enjoy watching movies but don't really watch much tv, except for things on netflix or amazon prime, and those sort of sites.
I'm looking to eventually purchase some land and try my hand at some gardening and fruit growing. I like the idea of sustainable living but am still just learning about it right now. The place I am staying in is off-grid for the most part so I'm excited to try that out.
Okay so that is enough about me for now. I'm hoping to make some friends and at the least meet some people to go do things with or just hangout so I'm not alone all the time and if I'm lucky, I will meet someone I can develop a relationship with, we shall see... More on that later...