Now that I got that out of the way, let me tell you a little bit about me.
I am sensitive, caring, empathic, smart, dedicated, loyal, ambitious, straightforward, charming, funny, clever, and witty. Did I also mention modest?

I am a modern day renaissance man. I have many interests that are wide and varied. I know a little about a lot, and a lot about a little. I love music (live and recorded), visiting wineries and breweries.
riding roller coasters, visiting historic sites, traveling (exotic and locally), going to happy hours with friends, playing bar trivia, trying new restaurants, and hanging out at home sipping wine or beer in front of the fireplace or fire pit.
I will try almost anything once. I do not like boredom or routine. I have a need to keep life interesting and exciting.
I have come to realize that most adults are simply big children, and I don't mean in a fun way. They are not emotionally mature, and are seeking "the one" to make them whole. Well, wholeness has to come from within. If you love yourself, then you will not "need" another person in your life, but we are social creatures so it is perfectly normal to "want" to share your life with someone.
So, if you "want" a relationship in which you will be treated as an equal (but still special), and you are willing to grow emotionally, intellectually, spiritually (not religious), and se---lly within the construct of a conscious and monogamous relationship, then we may be a good match.