Find it difficult to meet people because I don't like "going out on the pull" or pubbing/clubbing. Hoping I can meet a nice person here that wants to have the type of fun that doesn't include getting so drunk you can't remember the night before (I'm a total lightweight).
I'm really not into gigs (unless it is a very special artist) & festivals. I'm also not a great fan of London (lived and worked there for many years & took a long time to get out) so, if your idea of a perfect match is someone that will forever be in the east end of London going to gigs, then maybe I'm not the one for you. If you are wanting a "travel" companion (although I like holidays and have been to many countries), then I'm prob not the one for you either.
If, however, you realise there is more of Britain to explore, enjoy nights in with a movie and a take away as well, nor music obsessed, like a holiday outside of Britain once in a while and are generally of a chilled demeanor, we will get on like a house on fire.
I have a lot to offer the right person if they are ever to be found