Drako1991, 34

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Toledo, OH, USA

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I guess I'll start by saying, I'm barly out.
I guess I'll start by saying, I'm barly out. I've lived a sheltered life, keeping myself seperated from other/ hiding myself. As a result, I have very few friends and nobody that i can open up to. I am a shy/anti-social person, but once i get to no you i open up. I like being on a computer/ playing video games, camping, hiking, fishing, long walk/romantic walks, swimming, and biking. I also like cuddling while watching movies/ just cuddling in general.

The one thing I truly love and want in a man is sensitivity. Someone who is not afraid to cry during a sad or romantic movie, and who can express their feelings. somebody who can be their self. I'm also looking for that kind-hearted soul, who is also laid back. Someone who will stand be me thur thick and thin. Most importantly, somebody who will not force my coming out upon me.

The one major turn off in a guy for me is the overly feminine type. A little feminine is okay, but I'm not interested in the overly feminine type. I would like someone more manly then feminine.
If there is anything else you would like to know then message me.
About Me
Gender Male
Orientation Gay
Height 6'01"
Hobbies & Interests writing, computers, fishing, internet, movies, music, television, video games, weather
Body Type a few extra pounds
Movies action, comedy, drama, horror, romance, romantic comedy, sci-fi
Orientation gay
Eye Color green
Hair Color blond
Ethnicity Caucasian
Relationship single, single - never married
Have Kids no - open to adoption
Education Level high school grad, some college
Profession Other
Income level that's private
Do you smoke? 420, chain smoker, cigarettes
Do you drink? liquor, socially
I currently live with parents
Socially, I am anti-social, loner, home body, shy at first, but warm up quickly
Food Related Chinese, Comfort, Eat Out Frequently, Fast Food, Hot Sauce on Everything
Personality loner, lover
Religious Views Not Religious, but Spiritual
I'm looking for conversation, dating, mr. right, relationship, romance, soulmate
My Sign pisces : feb. 19-march 20
Pets Dogs
Gender Male
Music Pop, Classical, Country, Dance, Rock, Rap, R and B, Hip Hop
Fitness & Sports working out, walking, swimming, hiking, bowling
Looking for
Hobbies & Interests board games, computers, fishing, internet, movies, music, reading, shopping, television, travel, video games
Their Body Type a few extra pounds, athletic, average, skinny, slender, slim
Movies action, comedy, drama, horror, romance, romantic comedy, sci-fi
Eye Color gray, green, hazel, black, blue, brown
Hair Color black, blond
Relationship single
Have Kids no - open to adoption
Their Education Level high school grad, some college
Profession Other
Income level that's private
Do they smoke? 420, cigarettes
Do they drink? beer, liquor
They currently live alone, family and friends visit often, with parents, with roommate(s)
Socially, they are anti-social, better in small groups, flirt, home body, loner, shy at first, but warm up quickly
Political Views not interested in politics
Food Related Candy is a Food Group, Right?, Chinese, Comfort, Diet Every Now & Then, Eat Out Frequently, Hot Sauce on Everything, Italian, Spicy
Personality flirt, fun loving, loner, lover, romantic
Individuality piercings, tattoos
They are looking for conversation, dating, friends - with benefits, mr. right, relationship, romance, soulmate, the yin to my yang
Pets Dogs
Gender Male
Music Country, Hip Hop, R and B, Rap
Hair Style crew cut, curly, flattop, french braid, french twist, layered, long hair, ponytail, short hair, straight, straightened
Fitness & Sports baseball, bowling, football (U.S.), hiking, rock climbing, swimming, walking, working out

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