I'm 36, grew up in a 'cult'. I've been out since the age of 13. Still confused by it all.
Never dated. No friends.( Is that a violin I hear playing ? ) I obsess over small things that I have no control over, such as why there is pain and suffering in the world. -
I've had my job for almost 8 years, but my mental hangups keep me from looking elsewhere. -
I want to do something that has a purpose. I wan't a job that is beneficial to society. Not just a paycheck. -
I worry about money too much.( don't make enough of it

I own a car, but hardly ever drive it. I am uncomfortable driving in traffic.
I mainly walk, bus, or bike.
( I'm trying to be as eco-conscious as possible anyways ) -
I'm a vegan, but that's just me. I try not to judge other people. -
The hobbies that I listed are actually things that I would LIKE to do if I did not have my hang ups.
Someday, I'd like to skydive, scuba dive, and do other 'normal' things.
I really want to do some Parkour !
I want to LIVE, but I won't let myself.
I have Avoidance Personality Disorder
( I need to just get over it. It's all in my head .) -
I occasionally do art. ( oil, watercolor, pastel,digital, 3D, and sculpture )
I don't have much to show ( get discouraged easily )