Panic Attacks Group (NEW Posting Feature - BETA - In Development) 898 members

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Panic attacks/Agoraphobia
I've been dealing with panic attacks and Agoraphobia since I was a kid. It's ruined my health my job(S) My marriage, just about my whole life. I've been using Benzodiazepines like Valium, Klonopin, Xanax, Etc... For years to cope. I'm currently in tolerance withdrawal which means that these things no longer work and are making me very sick. I have a profile on this site and would like to hear from anyone who's had a similar experience or would just like to chat. Thanks, Jon

6Mgs. Klonopin, 30Mgs. Valium and 0.5Mgs. Triazolam= 160Mgs. Valium. Tapered to 60Mgs. Valium in past 8 months and trying to stabalize 'till January. Then I start a slow taper. 3-6% a Month as my system allows.
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the good news is we could die at any moment for 'no' reason why spend our life in fear? i guess the key is thought redirection,but still working on sorrow but hate the fear.

sometimes i feel that the universe is about to crush me into nothing.
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A group for those who suffer from panic attacks; sudden, intense episodes of fear and anxiety.
Rules - Post And Be Seen
(BETA - In Development)
Posts must be specific to the Panic Attacks Group
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